Friday, June 05, 2009

and then office depot threw the kitchen sink at me

There's an odd quirk that I've found in the search function on the Office Depot site.

Usually, the more words you add to a search, the fewer returns you get.

For example, when I type "HP" into the search, I get 904 results. When I type in "HP 88", I get 104 more-specific results.

If you type in something just completely non-sensical, you get no results. I put in "jk," and Office Depot returned nothing.

However, if you give Office Depot a special blend of stuff it recognizes ("HP 88"), and something totally non-sensical ("jk"), it will say "I don't know what the fuck you want - here's everything but the kitchen sink."

My search for "HP 88 jk" returned 1,178 results - more results than I got for just "HP." To which I say, "WTF, Office Depot?"


  1. OMG, I know exactly what you mean. Same thing happens to me when I order from other sites at work, the search engines on those things are useless.

    I think everyone should just accept that google needs to rule all our lives, and our search engines.

  2. Oh my when I read this entry and the part that says, it will say "I don't know what the fuck you want - here's everything but the kitchen sink." I totally thought it actually said that.

    I'm thinking you might be onto something with the whole low IQ...
